How to grow long natural hair

Hair is an important part of our lives. It is used to convey certain messages about us, our lives and attitudes, our preferences etc. To grow long natural hair, you also need to deal with shedding and the causes of hair falling off. Other factors that affect the rate of hair growth include hygiene, dandruff and thinning. All hair problems can be solved though it takes great commitment to keep looking for solutions until you discover how to grow long natural hair.

One can twist, braid, roll, curl, straighten, or even texturize their hair as they may find fit. Since hair is dead, the various applications of styling and cleansing products do not pain. However, excessive mistreatment of hair could end up causing hair loss or unhealthy hair. Hair that is damaged is usually dull and flaky. It is extremity important to ensure hair is well taken care of in order to maintain a healthy image.

All You Will Ever Need To know about Natural Hair        

Natural hair is hair that has not been damaged through chemical alteration or heat styling. Sometimes, it could be hard to manage due to misunderstanding. Natural hair can be categorized into 4 main types. Knowing your hair type is a good start in knowing how to grow long natural hair.
All you need for healthy natural hair is a proper care routine that includes washing, moisturizing and protecting. 

It does not come easy: - sometimes you have to buy expensive products or make your own as well as spending much time on hair care. In order to retain length, hair has to be well moisturized. This prevents split ends and breaking. Hydration can be achieved by using a hair mask as well as a daily moisturizing regimen. Moreover you should wear a scarf to protect your hair from the environment when you go outdoors.

The Effects of Stress on Your Hair     

Stress is closely related to poor body health since it interferes with many essential functions. This does not refer to the normal everyday stress but rather intense levels that interfere with an individual’s ability to cope. Stress may be caused by nutritional deficiencies similar to those associated with poor health – and unhealthy hair.

Stress affects many body functions such as appetite, sleeping patterns, and also raises the stress hormone levels in the body. A stressed person will often have dull hair and in some instances they start losing hair around the hairline. When stressed, some people may pull out their hair without knowing, thus leading to hair loss.

10 Tips for Growing Long Natural Hair        


Eat healthy Foods

This is essential for keeping the whole body healthy, and the hair strong and shiny. Healthy hair will not fall off or break easily. Healthy diet includes proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. The most essential nutrients for hair health include zinc, omega 3 and MSM. Hair is made of protein so a diet rich in protein will enable to body to form healthy hair.

Use Natural Products

Use natural products on your hair and avoid using products with harmful chemicals. You can use DIY shampoo, DIY conditioners and DIY moisturizers made using all natural products. Pure oils such as olive, argan oil, castor oil, almond oil and sesame offer the greatest benefits for growing long natural hair. Other products that can be used in hair include lemon juice, onions, amla, ginger, honey etc. Avoid use of chemicals to treat hair such as perms.

Wash hair regularly

The jury is still out on how much washing is enough to grow long natural hair. Moreover, different people have their reasons for their personal routines. However, one should ensure their hair is clean and free of impurities. Washing removes dirt, dead skin cells, excess oils and hair products. If not removed, these will build up and clog pores leading to unhealthy hair.

Condition after every wash

Conditioning restores lost moisture into the hair, softens and makes hair to shine. It also eases the detangling process and reduces static making hair to cut less. Do not comb wet hair without conditioning it. After a shampoo wash, you should do both a moisture DC and a protein DC to strengthen your hair.
Do Not Comb wet hair
Wet hair is brittle and could break or split easily therefore you should only comb your hair hen it is dry.  If you need to comb wet hair, use a wide toothed comb. Brushing wet hair could lead to loss of too much hair. It is better to use a wide brush, and always comb the hair after conditioning. The comb should be made of wood or bone.

Do not use Heat Styling
Eliminating heat will enable you to grow long hair faster. After washing hair, you can pat it dry with a towel instead of putting it under a dryer or using a blow dry. If complete elimination is not possible, use low heat that will not damage or split your hair strands. The dryer is friendlier as compared to the blow dryer.
Scalp stimulation
If you have long hair, stimulate your scalp through regular hair brushing. This promotes the production of natural oils and clears up the dead skin. If you have dandruff, this will also help you to get rid of it and bring it under control. Oil massage with sesame or coconut oil can also stimulate the scalp and encourage growth of healthy hair. Make sure you warm the oil slightly before use to get best benefits. 

Trim Ends regularly
Dead ends and heat damaged hair should be cut of to give room for growth of healthy hair. Cut off split ends so they will not split the rest of the strands since it is not possible to heal split ends. Trimming should be done every 4-6weeks to ensure easier styling.

Apply Protective Styles

Protective styles are the best for length retention. These include weaving, crochet braiding and making lines. Pull backs and pony tails on the other hand must be handled with care to avoid pulling up the hair from the scalp. Around the hairline, you have to massage, moisturize and keep changing styles to avoid accumulated stress.

Use Hair Vitamins or supplements

Several supplements and vitamins have been indicated as useful in how to grow long natural hair and prevent baldness. Specifically, biotin and Biosil are even called hair vitamins. These are available at many local health shops or pharmacies. You can also get biotin from natural foods such as eggs, spinach, brown rice; mushroom, etc. Important vitamins for hair include Vitamin A, B, C, D and E. These should be included in food as well as applied directly onto the scalp.


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